Preparing For Your First Urology Appointment – What to Expect

A urologist specializes in medical conditions that affect the urinary tract and reproductive system. For that reason, it’s common for men and women to feel nervous about their first urology appointment.

A few tips to help you prepare for your upcoming visit include keeping a bladder diary with details about the severity and timing of symptoms, as well as any medication or supplements you currently take. Your urologist will likely also ask you about your family’s medical history.

Medical History

When you search the web for a urologist, you can search ‘Urologist Appointment Near Me‘ to find the best doctor online. It’s very likely that the urologist will ask for your medical history. It may feel uncomfortable discussing things like urinary habits and sexual health, but it’s important to be upfront and honest with your doctor. This will help them create a more accurate diagnosis for you. This is especially important with conditions like incontinence, as your urologist will need to know exactly what you’re experiencing to come up with the best solution for you

A urologist is also likely to want to take a urine sample, so make sure you have a full bladder before you arrive at the appointment. They’ll probably also ask you questions about any medications you’re taking, so it’s a good idea to keep a list of all the prescription and over-the-counter drugs you currently use, as well as any supplements or herbs you might be taking.

If you’re a new patient, it’s a good idea to arrive at the urologist’s office with all the paperwork that needs to be filled out, such as a registration form and a Physical and History sheet. If possible, you should try to bring a copy of your insurance details and information about the severity and timing of your symptoms. Some urologists will even ask you to fill out a bladder diary, so you can provide them with a detailed record of your symptoms before the appointment.

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Urine Sample

Your urologist may ask you to provide a urine sample during your appointment. To ensure that you get the most accurate results, be sure to attend your appointment with a full bladder. Your urologist will give you a cup, sterile wipes and instructions for collecting the sample. It is important to use the correct technique, as this helps prevent bacteria from your penis or vagina from entering the sample.

You might also be asked to complete a bladder diary, which is a written record of your symptoms, including how often and at what times you experience them. This information will help your urologist determine the severity and duration of your symptoms.

If your urologist uses the clean catch method to obtain a sample, they will instruct you to sit on the toilet and use one of the premoistened wipes to clean around your urethra (the opening where urine flows out of the body). Next, open the lid of the specimen cup and place it inside the stream, filling it until it is at least half full. Once the sample has been collected, close the lid and return it to a designated area in the restroom.

Urine samples are examined visually and with a microscope to look for things that don’t belong in the urine, such as blood or bacteria, which could indicate an infection. The urine can also be tested for its acidity and sugar content, which can indicate health conditions such as diabetes or high blood pressure.

Physical Examination

A urologist will need to take a complete medical history in addition to a physical exam. This will include a detailed questionnaire regarding your current symptoms. Often, you will be asked to rate the severity of your symptoms and to provide details on when they occur, as well as a list of any medications, over-the-counter drugs, or vitamins/supplements you are taking. It is important to know the answers to these questions before your appointment so that you can give accurate and thorough information.

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You will also likely have blood tests, a urinalysis, or a urine culture to help diagnose a urinary tract infection (UTI) or another urological condition. The doctor will also likely perform a male genital exam or a digital rectal examination, depending on the symptoms and the reason for your visit.

In select cases, the urologist may have to insert a small scope into your bladder and urethra, which is called a cystoscopy or an endoscopy. This is usually done for a diagnosis of prostate problems, such as an enlarged prostate, or to rule out other conditions, such as cancers. If you have a fear of needles or claustrophobia, it is helpful to let the urologist know ahead of time so that they can find an alternative method. Alternatively, the urologist may perform imaging, such as an ultrasound, CT scan, or an MRI, which can provide valuable insight into any problems.


Your urologist will need a urine sample to examine so it’s best to arrive at your appointment with a full bladder by drinking 16 ounces of water. You will also be asked to list all of the medications you are currently taking including over-the-counter and prescription drugs, as well as vitamins and supplements. This will allow the urologist to gain insight into other conditions that could have an effect on your genitourinary system.

The urologist will then perform a physical exam. This will differ depending on your symptoms. For example, males will undergo a prostate examination while females may have a pelvic exam to check for signs of abnormalities. During this time, it’s a good idea to write down any questions you have so that you don’t forget them.

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The urologist will then ask you about your medical history and why you are visiting for this particular appointment. You will also likely be asked to fill out paperwork. This is because the urologist needs to get a clear picture of your health and medical history for proper diagnosis. It is important to be as honest as possible when providing this information.

Perera Urology
Suite 118/55 Flemington Rd,
North Melbourne VIC 3051
1300 884 673